Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Switches and Routers Essay Example for Free

Switches and Routers Essay This is the extent that I have gotten and I’m befuddled about switches. Switch and Switch Configuration Switches and switches are key segments to working any system. Switches can separate a huge region organize into littler fragments. This will let loose clog and give more transmission capacity to each port, which will build organize execution. The initial step is to plug into a force source, associate the support port to a PC or modem with UTP cabling and a RJ-45 link, and utilize the order line interface (CLI) to design and deal with the switch in client executive mode and benefit executive mode. Much of the time, the switch will play out a force on individual test. The manual will show the points of interest of any disappointment. One must arrange a secret word on the grounds that the switch shows up without one. This gives security through the comfort settings menu and the secret key design alternative while one may likewise consolidate a scrambled secret phrase choice. Entering worldwide arrangement through the order line choice will change passwords, too. To change the IP arrangement, one would pick the [I] key and pick the IP address alternative and set the Subnet cover and Default passage. Making a VLAN expects changing to Global Configuration mode and utilizing vlan vlan# name name_of_vlan order. To include more VLAN ports, go to the Interface Configuration Mode and utilize the vlan-enrollment static vlan# order (Regan, 2004). To audit or design crossing tree convention, go to [N] Network Management choice and enter [B] connect spreading over tree choice from the Network Management choice (Regan, 2004). One can impair or empower each port from here. When introducing a switch one must guarantee appropriate ventilation, temperature, and separation confinements of wiring.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

R v Hebert Case Analysis free essay sample

Neil Hebert was associated with having looted the Klondike Inn. After the police found Hebert, they set him in custody and educated him regarding his privileges, and took him to the R. C. M. P separation in Whitehorse. Hebert reached counsel and got legitimate guidance in regards on his right side to decline to give an announcement. In the wake of practicing his entitlement to contact counsel, Hebert was examined by the police. During the cross examination, Hebert showed that he didn't want to say something. In endeavor to get data out of Hebert, the police put him in a cell with a covert official. The official was wearing regular clothes and was acting like a suspect in custody by the police. The covert office continued to connect with Hebert in a discussion, during which Hebert offered a few implicating expressions. This activity disregarded ss. 7 and 10(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The appointed authority avoided the announcements made by Hebert to the covert official, and he was later absolved of the charges. We will compose a custom paper test on R v Hebert Case Analysis or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In any case, the Court of Appeal put aside the vindication and requested another preliminary, reasoning that the police had not disregarded ss. 7 or potentially 10(b) of the Charter. The Court of Appeal permitted the intrigue, reasoning that the police had abused neither Hebert’s option to direct. For the court, the option to guide didn't preclude the police from scrutinizing the blamed in the nonappearance for counsel after advice had been reached. Moreover, the court affirmed that the option to stay quiet, as a basic rule of equity, didn't forbid the charged being addressed by covert cops. All things considered, the court put aside Hebert’s absolution and requested another preliminary. Hebert offered the choice to the Supreme Court of Canada. Issues engaged with the Appeal The Supreme Court of Canada thought about two issues: First, regardless of whether the police had damaged the blamed Charter for Rights while acquiring the announcements. Furthermore, if in truth they violated his privileges, regardless of whether they ought to be prohibited under s. 24(2) of the Charter. Under area 7, the state isn't permitted to utilize its capacity to overrule the suspect’s will and turn around his decision to address the position or stay quiet. In this way, the courts must embrace a way to deal with cross examination which stresses the privilege of the individual kept to settle on a significant decision and which allows the dismissal of articulations, which have been gotten unjustifiably. There is nothing that disallows the police from scrutinizing a denounced after they have held insight. Police influence doesn't break the option to quietness. What's more, the privilege just applies after confinement. Thirdly, the privilege doesn't influence deliberate proclamations made to cell mates. Fourth, a qualification should be made between utilizing covert police to watch the denounced and utilizing covert police to evoke data in infringement to the charged option to stay quiet. Last, even where there is infringement of the speculates rights, the proof, where allowed, might be conceded. Just when the court is happy with the likelihood that its gathering would probably bring the organization of equity into notoriety can the proof be dismissed under s. 24(2) of the Charter. Choice McLachlin composing for dominant part. Dominant part held that the proof was forbidden and maintained the preliminary appointed authorities administering. Larger part found that the option to quietness was a standard of central equity and as such was ensured under segment 7. A charged right can't be sabotaged through demonstrations of police slyness when being held in authority by police. Be that as it may, if the charged were to uncover data to a witness or covert specialist willingly then the announcements could be utilized against them. Lion's share presumed that: 1. Police disregarded the privileges of the blamed while getting the announcements under segment 7 of the Charter 2. The proof ought to be rejected under s. 24(2) of the Charter. Proportion Decidendi Constitutional issue was whether the police had disregarded Hebert’s option to stay quiet in procedure of getting data. Essential precepts from the principals of major equity were analyzed which included (1) exploring custom-based law rules (2) inspecting the Charter (3) looking at the motivation behind the option to stay quiet. 1. Precedent-based Law Rules McLachlin reasoned that there was an individual whose privilege was in danger by the procedures that happened. Hebert reserved the option to pick whether to say something to the police or to stay quiet. 2. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms The essential perspective of the Charter was the predominance of the rights and the decency of the legal framework. Two related Charter rights commended this case: the option to guide under s. 10(b) and the privilege against self-implication under s. 11(c). Likewise, as referenced prior, the privilege stay quiet was an issue. Dominant part found that these rights allowed Hebert option to be liberated from pressure by the police, yet additionally the option to pick whether to give an announcement. 3. Option to Remain Silent For this situation, the court held that the option to quietness was a standard of crucial equity (guiding principle inside the equity framework that must triumph over these rights to benefit society). Explanations can't be accomplished through police double dealing and quietness can't be utilized to make encourage any assumption of blame; in this manner, Hebert’s right was abused. Lion's share presumed that option to stay quiet under s. 7 of the Charter ensured Hebert the option to conclude whether to give an announcement or not to the police. The option to conclude whether to give an announcement or not relied upon the blamed nearness for a working brain. It denies out of line lead for the benefit of the police. Ultimately, the option to stay quiet precluded the explanations that the police have gotten treacherously and in infringement. Dominant part expresses that Heberts option to stay quiet had been disregarded. Hebert had practiced his choice not to address the police. At the point when he later addressed the covert official, Hebert had not turned around this choice thusly being deceived by the police damaged his privileges. Be that as it may, Majority said this option to quiet was dependent upon confinements: I. Nothing that expresses that the police are denied from addressing Hebert without his attorney subsequent to reaching his legal advisor ii. Influence from the police was allowable up to the point of encroaching upon Heberts’ rights or precluding him from claiming a â€Å"operating mind† (double dealing utilizing covert). iii. Right applies simply after care and doesn't permit covert tasks preceding detainment. iv. The privilege doesn't influence explanations made willfully by the charged to different cellmates. v. The correct covers just beguiling exercises by police where they endeavor to get proclamations from the denounced. It permits checking of the blamed by the police or sources incase they catch any willful proclamations made by the charged. vi. Explanations got infringing upon the option to stay quiet would be prohibited under s. 24(2) of the Charter where permission would bring the equity into unsavoriness. What's more, three components where brought into conversation while deciding if the proof ought to be prohibited. 1. Impact of affirmation of proof on the decency: the confirmation of these announcements would finish up the preliminary to be out of line. Hebert was fooled into offering expressions to the police after unmistakably expressing he wouldn't like to offer any expressions. 2. How genuine the Charter infringement would be: for this situation, it would be very genuine in light of the fact that the police intentionally were tricky so as to pick up information. 3. Impact of the rejection: avoidance of the proof would bring about an exoneration. Significance of the case for unnatural birth cycles of equity For this situation the Supreme Court of Canada held that Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives people in guardianship the option to stay quiet. It gives an individual the option to choose whether they might want to offer expressions to specialists or not. In the event that the individual says something, they ought to be completely mindful that this announcement may present hazard. Offering expressions without information on future hazard, and furthermore after obviously expressing that you might not want to offer any expressions to police, is proof of procedural injustice. â€Å"The right of quietness, which has risen at both the pre-preliminary and preliminary stages, is supported by the benefit against self implication, and the more extensive ideas of the standard of law upheld by the liberal custom. The result of this privilege suggests that one can't be required to respond to an inquiry that may will in general open oneself to criminal conviction† (Hocking and Manville, 2001, p. 65). Guaranteeing that no unnatural birth cycles of equity are endeavored, for example, unfair feelings, it is important to comply with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for the aggregate understanding of balance among all. R v Hebert was in significance for unsuccessful labors of equity since it guarantees that people are not fooled into offering incriminatory expressions and guarantees people are not forced into admission where both may prompt improper feelings. Sherrin (2008) expounds on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and its connection to illegitimate feelings. Sherrin (2008) states, â€Å"false admissions are a shockingly visit supporter of unfair feelings, so a sacred right not to address the specialists could help the blameless by permitting them to take cover behind a secured shroud of quiet. † (p. 385). Regularly, the guiltless will need to defer their entitlement to stay quiet since they need to put forth an unmistakable defense to specialists about their honesty. Yet in addition, there are the individuals who practice this r

Social and Cultural Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social and Cultural Philosophy - Essay Example The political stakes in the cutting edge split among high and low craftsmanship were never more unmistakably explained than in the discussion between Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno on mainstream society. When Adorno depicted his guard ÃŽ ¿f self-sufficient craftsmanship and Benjamin's conciliatory sentiment for mass diversion as torn parts ÃŽ ¿f one opportunity, he found their contest inside a theoretical custom that contributes tasteful involvement in emancipatory potential. The beginnings ÃŽ ¿f this talk can be followed to Romanticism and its appearance on the job ÃŽ ¿f subjectivity in legislative issues and workmanship. Benjamin's exchange with Adorno denoted a significant defining moment in this story by exposing its twin heroes - the self-ruling individual and its aggregate other- - as apparitions, inventions ÃŽ ¿f the Romantic creative mind. By breaking down the Romantic ghosts that spooky Benjamin's exchange with Adorno, the current paper proposes how basic subjectivity may be reexamined during a time wherein the computer generated simulation ÃŽ ¿f the internet has become natural for some people. The discussion on mainstream society is principally recorded in two articles - one each by Benjamin on film and Adorno on jazz- - distributed in progressive issues ÃŽ ¿f the Zeitschrift hide Sozialforschung in 1936. (Wiggershaus 191-218) Both companions were living in a state of banishment - Benjamin in Paris and Adorno in Oxford- - and the letters they traded give extra insights to the positions they were expounding. In the event that the individual hardships f migration impacted the tenor f their question, at that point contemporary occasions more likely than not added to its sense f desperation. Wherever the new broad communications appeared to be dependent upon control: by authoritarian systems in Italy, Germany, and the USSR, and cornering market powers in the USA. During the 1930s, questions f mainstream society became political issues f the principal request. Adorno's essential commitment to the discussion, an article titled Uber Jazz, has a generally simple printed history. Benjamin's commitment, Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, is another story. At Benjamin's solicitation, the article was distributed in the Zeitschrift hide Sozialforschung in French interpretation. This interpretation depended on a second, reconsidered adaptation f the paper. After the French interpretation was distributed, Benjamin finished a second and increasingly extreme correction f the German content, in the express expectation that Bertolt Brecht would have it distributed in Moscow. As it turned out, none f the German adaptations showed up in print until Adorno and his significant other Gretel incorporated the third form f the exposition in their two-volume release f Benjamin's chosen works, in 1955. This is the adaptation that filled in as the reason for Harry Zohn's interpretation, The Work f Art in the Age f Mechanical Reproduc tion, the just a single accessible in English at this date. It is likewise the rendition that keeps on filling in as the reason for most scholarly conversation f the paper, notwithstanding the way that both prior forms have been made accessible in late decades. (Arendt 217-51) The outcome f this is there exists nobody legitimate content f Benjamin's exposition, yet rather three unmistakable archives f a work in progress. The distinctions that recognize the three writings give as much knowledge into Benjamin's discussion with Adorno as any one variation read in seclusion. Thus, every one of the three forms will be considered in the conversation that follows. Adorno first recognized the Romantic apparitions frequenting his exchange with Benjamin in a letter from 18 March 1936, written to scrutinize an unpublished composition f Benjamin's article. While trying to intervene between their dissimilar perspectives, Adorno saw that self-governing workmanship and mainstream film both bear the scars f industrialist abuse, just as components f change. He didn't, in any case, recommend that high workmanship be advantaged over low. Rather, he demanded that nor be relinquished to the next, since this would mean losing the basic potential f both. Just assuming high and low craftsmanship are

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Limits of Sympathy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Limits of Sympathy - Essay Example Eminently, Gregor's dad abhors him, beats him, tosses apples at him, and censures him to his room. In any case, Gregor Samsa kept on battling in adjusting to his new physical structure until he kicks the bucket. Grete Samsa is Gregor Samsa’s more youthful sister who assumes up the liability of dealing with Gregor after the transformation. At the outset, the two had a cozy relationship where Grete identifies with him and deliberately takes care of him and tidies up his room (Johnston 24-28). Likewise, Grete would play violin outside Gregor’s space to reassure him. She would likewise fantasy about setting off to the center. She additionally expected the job of accommodating the family after Gregor's change where she began filling in as a salesgirl. Notwithstanding, her feelings blurred with time as the weight turned out to be a lot for her (Johnston 44-45). Therefore she quit tidying up Gregor’s room and even recommended to her folks that they dispose of Gregor. We can see the Samsa’s guardians being progressively worried about Grete’s prosperity to the detriment of Gregor’s condition. Eventually, the unsympathetic idea of Grete and her folks prompted Gregor’s demise (Johnston 54-56). How the Character’s Past Shaped Grete Samsa and Gregor Samsa Life Notably, Gregor’s supervisor never acknowledges any reasons or clarification from the representatives paying little mind to how hard they functioned (Johnston 3). This incited Gregor to work extra harder, watch time, and drive forward in his difficult work as a voyaging sales rep (Johnston 8-9). Without a doubt, Gregor was never behind schedule for work. Accordingly, the inability to accommodate his family upset him to such an extent. We can likewise build up that Grete and Gregor have consistently had an energy for one another and this drove them to creating worry for one another in their lives. Gregor had gigantic dreams enemy her sister and the lack of ability to accomplish them debilitated him (Johnston 28). Also, Grete’s past formed her life and that of Gregor as she gets worried of Gregor’s delay in awakening (Johnston 4), expels the furniture from Gregor’s space to make some space for him, feeds and deals with him. In addition, Gregor’s father was constantly cruel to him (Johnston 19). Accordingly, Mr. Samsa loathed Gregor, beat him, and tossed apples at him after the change. Sadly, one of the apples stalled out in a touchy part in his back for about a month which contaminated him and deadened his developments forever (Johnston 39-40). We can likewise observe Mr. Samsa consenting to dispose of Gregor a circumstance which ends Gregor’s life. Then again, having been the most youthful youngster, Grete was not used to difficulties and carried on with a glad life. Thus, she handily abandoned dealing with Gregor and recommends that his family disposes of him (Johnston 52). At last this prompted Gre gor’s passing. From quite a while ago, Gregor maintained a strategic distance from struggle with anybody and endeavored to accomplish what he had. This propelled him to keep attempting to adjust to his new physical structure which he got settled with after some time. What the Relationships of Grete and Gregor Reveal About Characteristics The connection among Grete and Gregor uncover the benevolent idea of Gregor and Grete as they tried to deal with each other. They additionally uncover the adoring and caring qualities of the two characters (Johnston 10). Additionally, the connections uncover the persevering idea of Gregor as he looked to help his family particularly Grete (Johnston 28-29).

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Love Your Home Away From Home

Love Your Home Away From Home Hi everyone! I hope youve had a fantastic week! Yesterday, I was giving a tour of the hallway where I live, and I was just so excited to be able to share it with those who were touring the hall. I always enjoy giving tours of the community that I get to call my home away from home, but yesterday, it hit me just how pleasing it is to show it off to others. This led me to reflect on several important things, some of which probably deserve their own blog post. Anyway, here they are: Illinois  has so many wonderful living spaces, including Nugent Hall and the Beckwith program (which I will write a detailed post on, eventually)! I know that students who are deciding where to go to school or where to live get lots of advice on how to choose something thats a good fit for them. So, heres mine: In terms of choosing housing at school (and a school for that matter), find somewhere that you would get excited to show to people that happen to be touring whatever building you live in that day. It really is gratifying to be able to share the Illinois  community with so many people. I feel so fortunate to be able to live in the awesome community that I do, and hope that others can feel equally about their home away from home, wherever it may be. Relatedly, if you take a tour of Illinois, be sure to take the opportunity to explore some housing options, and really get to see where you might be living. The building that you tour may be the building that you call home for awhile, so its important that you feel at home there. Thats all for today! I hope everyones semester is going super well right now! Happy almost-Valentines day! Sarah Class of 2018 I'm from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm majoring in Communication in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Invisible Woman - Literature Essay Samples

Far from serving peripheral and stereotypical roles, the women who appear in Invisible Man are indirectly involved in teaching IM the lessons he must learn to advance in his journey of self-discovery and to succeed in his reemergence into the outside world. Sybil, if not intentionally, teaches him not only the lessons of invisibility before he advances into the Harlem riots but also those of society and humanity in general. She does not overwhelm him with ideology, like the Grandfather or the veteran; instead, her distorted actions thrust reality into IM’s face and open his eyes literally as he awakens from his blind stupor. It is with Sybil that IM finally realizes his invisibility, manifested by the repetition of â€Å"I am invisible† (Ellison 526) throughout the scene. To Sybil, IM is only an object of sexual gratification, a â€Å"big black bruiser† (522) who has no humanistic identity. If identity must have a name, IM continues to be nameless. IM recogn izes Sybil’s existence by questioning: â€Å"What’s your name?† (523). Ironically, Sybil never asks IM for his name, which further verifies that he is invisible. Even though he has been invisible throughout the book, this is the first time he understands he is being exploited by others. He knows he is nothing to Sybil except â€Å"an entertainer† (520) and a â€Å"domesticated rapist†(521). Thus, he is able to play Sybil’s game, and his mastery gives him power. In fact, only in this scene does he revert to â€Å"slave† language by saying: â€Å"I rapes real good when I’m drunk† (521)—which is ironic because IM has frowned upon his heritage throughout the book. However, just like Bledsoe, who descends to the slavery level only because he possesses the power to overcome the black stereotype, IM is no longer afraid of the trappings of society. In fact, he is no longer concerned with how society views him becau se he realizes it does not bother to view him at all. Thus, because Sybil has made IM â€Å"see† his invisibility, she has taught him to value it as an asset in his journey to freedom. Haunted by the false classifications that Sybil places upon him from â€Å"domesticated rapist† (521) to â€Å"expert on the woman question† (521), IM also realizes that the possession of multiple false identities is actually the possession of no identity at all. The freedom that accompanies various identities is denial of the self, and IM perceives this fact when he says: â€Å"Such games were for Rinehart, not me† (523).Aside from Sybil’s role as a teacher in the novel, her roles as another battle royal blonde, a surrogate mother, and an Invisible Woman also influence IM’s awakening. Just like the magnificent blonde, who guides IM into the hell of unconscious exploitation, Sybil ushers IM into another hell—that of the Harlem riots—protected t his time by his new-found invisibility. Similar to the role of Mary, Sybil wakes IM from the hoax of an identity within the Brotherhood. Furthermore, there is a mysteriously deep connection between IM and Sybil, as she tells him: â€Å"Oh, I know that I can trust you. I just know you’d understand; you’re not like other men. We’re kind of alike.† (450) If IM is the novel’s invisible man, Sybil is its invisible woman—IM’s â€Å"too-late-too-early love† (528) who is trapped in the same plight as IM, in a world void of humanity and individuality. Even though she is exploiting IM as an object for her sexual desires, Sybil is also being used; she and IM are thus alike in their loneliness and invisibility. IM’s sentimental behavior and sporadic bouts of sadness demonstrate his pity and sorrow; Sybil, meanwhile, displays vulnerability and sensitivity only to other â€Å"invisibles† like herself. Looking at the world through the distorted eyes of Sybil, IM is able to see society as it appears in reality. He rejects the Brotherhood’s definition of freedom as relentless control of others, and he also rejects the power of others to change his own goals in life. Thus, he refuses to rape Sybil other than in a symbolic way because the sexual possession of a white woman does not bring any kind of freedom or power. He also sees the infusion of societal influence by Sybil’s simplistic view of him as nothing but an â€Å"entertainer† (520), which leads him to acknowledge that the Brotherhood has infused him with its ideology. Thus he feels a â€Å"deep emptiness† (525) inside despite his incessant drinking. The drinks then can be viewed as the bingeing of the false ideology of the Brotherhood and the stereotypes of society that had earlier seemed to relinquish IM’s thirst but now no longer satisfy. His awakening with Sybil in his bed symbolizes a literal and figur ative awakening from the stupor brought about by society and the Brotherhood. Since Sybil’s view of IM as an â€Å"entertainer† (520) is just another â€Å"something else they’re taught† (520), IM becomes cognizant that society has similarly â€Å"taught† him how to reorganize his priorities to fit its flow. Ellison has been critiqued for the fact that he neither included women as main characters nor depicted the women portrayed in the novel in a positive manner. There are, however, hidden truths and concealed humanity to be found beneath the stereotypical masks of these female characters, especially Sybil. In fact, Sybil represents more than the feminine perspective of â€Å"repression† (519) but comes to embody the plight of society as a whole. Just as she is repressed by men, so is IM by society. In addition, Sybil characterizes IM as an â€Å"anonymous brute† (528) while IM characterizes Sybil as â€Å"anonymous beneath my ey es until I saw her face, shaped by her emotion.† (523) Thus, the character of Sybil adds another dimension to the meaning of the book: that without humanity, there is no identity.Works CitedEllison, Ralph. Invisible Man. New York: Random House, Inc., 1995.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay about Information Is Power - 583 Words

Many people say that money is the ultimate motivator, that money will drive anyone to do anything for the right price. However, who is to say that there isnt a power greater than that? Information, which is interchangeable with knowledge, is the true driving force behind almost all of the events that happen in the world, both fictional and real. Without the knowledge of wealth to be gained there is no driving force behind money. In the story, The Pardoners Tale, the trio of men never had a clue of the wealth they could obtain until someone, namely Death, informed them of it. In Paradise Lost the information that Satan provides Eve of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil drives Eve to made a decision that leads to the fall of Man. Even†¦show more content†¦This, in my opinion, is the true driving force behind story, The Pardoners Tale. In the epic poem, Paradise Lost, Satan gathers information about Adam and Eve and eventually formulates a plan to bring about the downfall o f Man. Satan enters into the body of a serpent and waits until Eve is alone. When she finally leaves Adams side Satan makes his move, by approaching her and telling her of all the good things that the fruit that came from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, such as him being able to talk. Satan knows that Eve is the weaker willed of the two and begins to flatter her as well as inform her that an apple has given him the ability to speak. Satan then leads Eve to the tree in which she shies away from knowing that God has forbidden her and Adam from eating from it. Satan, however, does not back down and continues to pressure her into eating the fruit, stating that, â€Å"Look on me, me who have touched and tasted, yet both live, and life more perfect have attained than fate meant me, by ventring higher than my lot (Lines 684-690).† This twisted information pushes Eve past the point of no return and she takes an apple and bites into it, after which, â€Å"Earth felt the wound , and nature from her seat sighing through all her works gave signs of woe, that all was lost (Lines 782-784),† as the fall of Man becomes complete. Satan through twisted information and knowing what to say and when to say it bringShow MoreRelatedThe Transformative Power Of Information Technology2229 Words   |  9 Pages â€Å"In this global information society—where information travels through cyberspace without the constraints of time, distance and speed—this criticality arises from the increasing dependence on information and the systems that deliver this information†. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

How Will Autonomous Robots Change Military Tactics Essay

. This technology is still under development. But how will autonomous robots change military tactics? Many experts agree and disagree on using them on the battlefield. Because robots don t have human thinking and they don t behave ethically, but some expert agrees that these technologies will change military tactics. When the United States went to war in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, American ground forces arrived without the support of robotic weapons. A decade later, U.S. forces had deployed more than 6,000 ground robots to aid with surveillance and bomb detection and destruction. Robots will be more effective than humans. Because they don t sleep, eat and they won t need time to rest. Since there robots, they don t need to train for long period of time. They won t be affected by the weather.A good example is an unmanned vehicle commonly known as drones. These drones can operate in land, air and sea. Through the use of this drones the military already changing its military ta ctics instead of sending soldiers they can send drones to attack or to scan the area for the potential threat which can save a soldier s life. Even though they are effective in military operations. But there are still people who disagree because some say machines can be unpredictable. In 2007, the United States deployed its first armed military robots in Iraq called Special Weapons Observation Remote Direct-Action System (SWORDS). The robots used Talon platforms equipped with an M249Show MoreRelatedEssay on Drones: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles3207 Words   |  13 Pages Like much of today’s technology, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles attribute their creation to the military. 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Hence it can be surmised that marketing is basically meeting unmet needs for target markets, identifying those unmet needs and planning how to meet them through products, services, and ideas. Communicating the value to them along with pricing which is affordable and profitable and also distributing the products so that customers have appropriate accessibility and have quick and easy deliveryRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 Pagesearlier editions. I think this may even be my best book. The new Google and Starbucks cases should arouse keen student interest, and may even inspire another generation of entrepreneurs. A fair number of the older cases have faced significant changes in the last few years, for better or for worse, and these we have captured to add to learning insights. After so many years of investigating mistakes, and more recently successes also, it might seem a challenge to keep these new editions fresh

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Living With Depression and Anxiety - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 676 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2019/03/27 Category Psychology Essay Level High school Topics: Anxiety Essay Depression Essay Did you like this example? As many years go by, depression and anxiety have truly reached the surface than it did back in the 1950s. We are all so exposed to a whole lot more in this generation and traumatized by events, or sadly, are simply born with either one or both of these mental health disorders. While there can be many causes of both depression and anxiety, lets dive into the most common causes of these two mental illnesses. Beginning with depression, although there are various reasons, the most common causes are traumas, chemical imbalances or drugs. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Living With Depression and Anxiety" essay for you Create order People who have witnessed or was a victim of a traumatizing event, could affect their whole life causing many flashbacks and sadness. A chemical imbalance is when there are not enough or more than enough of a chemical in your brain titled neurotransmitters. This can be treated with the right medications which takes about four to six weeks to get going and begin doing some justice to your mentality. Lastly, drugs can play a big role causing this feeling, but there is no certain drug exactly that causes depression because it is almost impossible to list the amount of drugs that is capable of doing so. The continuance and discontinuance of drugs may cause various symptoms of depression. Anxiety has many different common causes like the environmental aspects of someones life, genetics or withdrawal. Living in an environment that is toxic, unsafe or unorganized, can cause many people anxiety. This disorder may be simply passed down from generation to generation but some are most likely to be exposed to it with the right trigger. Due to medications being given by doctors to help yourself and the problems you may have, the misuse of medication, side effects or taking them only when necessary could have a huge toll on your body and very rarely, depending on the medication, cause anxiety. As stated before in the last paragraph, a chemical imbalance and the withdrawal of drugs or alcohol can cause anxiety as well. Moving onto the different types of depression, there are various amounts of names diagnosed to different people, but only some will be addressed. Major depressive disorder, well known as clinical depression, is often diagnosed when people are feeling depressed most of the time, have lack of concentration, thinking about death or possibly even suicide, lack of appetite or too much appetite, no energy, or when your routine in sleeping has changed drastically. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that affects either your emotions or body, physically. Some symptoms may include insomnia, body aches or pain, anxiety, unable to keep organized or make decisions, and even feeling incompetent. This disorder has a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and suicide. Seasonal affective disorder usually only occurs when the weather changes in a certain season. While the weather makes its changes, people experience changes too, in weight, sleep and emotion. This is caused because there is a disruption in the normal circadian rhythm that occurs in your body. Depending on the amount of light that is able to enter the eye, this is known to impact the pattern in the body. There are several more undiscussed types of depression, these are the most common. Anxiety also has various names and different types of ways on how it appears. Generalized anxiety disorder is diagnosed when a person is feeling anxious over many things or for no reason, more than five to six days of the week, for over six months. People are usually worried about school, work, family or friends but GAD disturbs how people act and think about everything. A lot of people who are affected by this, worry more about things than necessary. For example, some may see washing the dishes as an easy task, but it is much more stressful and harder to perform when you have generalized anxiety disorder because it begins to consume your brain and body with anxiousness and an uneasy feeling. Although there are many reasons that these two things occur, there are several ways to help treat it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Ethnography Nuer Journey, Nuer Lives By Jon Hertzman

Immigration is building block to the United States culture. For decades, the United States was viewed as a land of opportunity, a land of hope for those seeking a better life. In the ethnography Nuer Journeys, Nuer Lives written by Jon Hertzman describes the Nuer’s journey and acclimation to the United States. In the preface of his ethnography, Hertzman recognizes that the immigration of these peoples took place over decades and as an anthropologist he studies how the Nuer adapt to the way of life in the United States. Throughout Nuer Journeys, Nuer Lives, Hertzman encounters the concepts of Marriage, Family, and Kinship and Gender as they are outlined in Essential of Cultural Anthropology. For anyone, moving to a new place brings up feelings of nervousness and uncertainty. This is definitely true for the Nuer people. After leaving their home villages, many were placed in different refugee camps and then dispersed across the United States of America. Leaving behind much of what they know, all they have left is each other. Many of the Nuer people became what The Essentials of Cultural Anthropology describes as a kin group, â€Å"a group of people who culturally consider themselves to be relatives, cooperate in certain activities, and share a sense of identity as kinfolk† (Bailey and Peoples, 161). As villages and families were separated, the people began to form new, smaller communities. The Nuer people were relocated to different areas across the United States, but after a

Pampers Free Essays

The founders was James Gamble, a soap maker and William Procter, a candle maker and in Cincinnati in 1837. It is the producer of various everyday household goods. It is a key market leader within the consumer 140 countries, produces over 300 brands and has loyal customers worldwide. We will write a custom essay sample on Pampers or any similar topic only for you Order Now Company three business units: beauty (33%), health and well-being (21%), household care (46%). PG delivers its goods to drug stores, mass merchandisers, membership club stores and grocery stores. Pampers† this is one of the most famous revolutionary products of the Procter and Gamble, founded by Victor Mills. Pampers was especially build to meet the mothers need in innovative product on the market which will lighten the wash of the cloth papers and also leakage of them. This product came in the late sass’s. Procter Gambles development of the diaper changed the diapering habits of consumers worldwide. Consumers moved from purchasing the cloth diapers to disposable diaper, which is better to children’s skin, convenient to store, and has a good price comparing with cloth diapers. The company’s specialists developed an exceptional three-piece construction to take up the wetness, allocate it consistently and transmit fluid to the leaky core without passing it recessively to the skin. Procter and Gamble revived more than Just convenience ease and comfort for consumers. Pampers brought health benefits to babies who use Pampers. Clinical studies have shown that children who use Pampers have drier skin, and less frequent and less severe diaper skin complaint than those who use cloth diapers. P diapers are now distributed to more than 80 countries worldwide, with this representing a major contributor to Procter and Gamble world profits. (P, n. D. ) 1. 2 Core customer issues The disposable diapers market is a very profitable. In ELK, there are about seven endured and fifty thousand births for each year and the diapers are usually worn for three years. It is represents a relatively short customer lifetime for Pampers. The arrival of the Huggins challenges Pampers’ dominance of the traditional disposable diaper market in 1991. Huggins had earned 17% of the market by 1997 and it is reaching 30% in year 2000. Huggins continued to take share through a combination of competitive pricing and product innovation. One of the strengths of Huggins was promoted aggressively using their Mother and Baby Club and television. Huggins loud be the market leader in the fall of 2001 which is showed in growth pattern projections. Many mothers think that Huggins was the leader of market. When they interviewed, there was many discussion about latest news of Huggins. It reflects the growing strength of the Huggins brand. Trend analysis and consumer research found that there are two key trends affecting Pampers’ impact on the marketplace. The most up-to-date information from friends, the Internet or print replaces the way of UK mums in the way of making decisions and traditional reliance on advice from health professionals and parents. Pampers are forced by the proliferation of information channels to find out a new way to reduce the background noise to reach potential customers. DIM, 2012) To build sales and maintain customer loyalty by rewarding the consumer for purchasing their products, the customer loyalty programs are introduced by Pampers which include free samples, sweepstakes, sales promotions of coupons and rewards. Pampers uses direct marketing strategies to maintain customer loyalty once a consumer becomes a Pampers member. The strategies include sending pamphlets and brochures with important information about each development s tage as the nonusers child grows while promoting their products that fit each particular stage. While educating the consumer with valuable information pertaining to their growing child, Pampers is doing a great Job at promoting its products. Parents are offered the opportunity to share their baby’s pictures with the whole social field by Pampers. It is showing marketers that being where your customers are the first step in toddling towards success in its â€Å"Love, Sleep and Play’ campaign. It is launched in July 1 and runs until August 6 in year 2013. This campaign encourages moms and dads living in North America to upload pictures of their babies loving, playing and sleeping to the brand’s Faceable page. Then, Pampers will display the selected images on Twitter, the online gallery pages and Faceable. The communication manager of North America for Pampers, Mary Woods says social is a natural environment for the brand’s customers because it’s where they already converse with other parents, as well as with the brand. She also says Pampers collected more than 20,000 photo submissions in less than three weeks of the campaign’s launch. (Else Duper, 2013) 3. 0 Role of direct mail in relation to other channel . Direr mail Pampers direct mail package come with a variety of shapes and sizes, making it become one of the most flexible direct marketing media. An envelope, a brochure, a letter and a response device are included in a standard direct mail package. It is to motivate the recipient to open the standard direct mail package. The envelope must differentiate itself from other mail by its size, appearance and any copy that might be written on it regardless of the volume of mail a person receives. It provides the opportunity to directly address the interests and concerns of the recipient. The benefits of the detailed offer are usually clarified by the letter. Recipients are able to illustrate about the benefits of the offer from the brochure in letter. Illustrated brochures are used to sell services as well as products. The letter must include Response rates are generally higher when it is separated from the letter or brochure. Recipient can respond via telephone, toll-free numbers are always prominently displayed. The right timing, the right offer, the right person and the right format are factors in a successful direct marketing and it can be examined in direct mail. Mailers can run a test mailing to determine the response from a list before â€Å"rolling out,† or mailing the entire list by using computer technologies which can select a randomized name sample from any list. Direct mail provides the most cost-effective way of achieving the highest possible response in relation to the other direct marketing media. Telemarketing is much highest cost per response but it typically produces a higher response rate. 3. 2 Role of direct mail has changed since the arise of the Internet The role of direct mail has changed since the rise of the internet cause it slow, expensive and time consuming. There are new technologies which are CRY codes in nowadays. It allows a customer to be taken from the printed piece to a web location by using a mobile smart device equipped with a camera and an internet connection. The marketer benefits from the physical attributes of printed mail while leveraging the power of online experiences for reinforcement of the message, persuasion, and better conversion with this technology. 3. 3 Role of TV (Interactive television) Pampers use interactive television (TV) as communication strategy. Through the internet, interactive television combines the emotive strength of TV advertising with the depth and personalization available. It is the preferred interactive device in the home for nowadays and in the future. When the viewers are registered to receive a newsletter, data will be captured. The newsletter can be emailed to personal computer or television. Chance to see themselves and their babies on TV in the baby gallery or in the video area talking about baby development issues: ‘real babies, real mums, real tips’ are provided to parents. It also offers consumers the opportunity to sit a frequently asked questions area and to give feedback. 3. 4 Role of Internet Procter Gambles Pampers are good consumers struggle to establish and maintain differentiation from other disposable diaper brands percent. It is established to increase in a variety of ways, such as Pampers website (wry. Pampers. Com) basic product via an Internet site. Pampers Perks loyalty program which consumers have to collect points from Pampers diapers and wipes purchase and exchange them for the Sesame Street and Fisher-Price toys. Recently the customers are provided a chance to in a Chrysler minivan filled with diapers through Pampers Fantastic Sweepstakes. There is a convenient way to send a supply of Pampers such as Fisher-Price toy to a friend are provided in Pampers Gifts Packs. Pampers Parenting Institute provides advice from experts in child care, health and development through Parent Pages and it delivered by e-mail and customized to each stage of life from the third trimester through age four. The purpose of Pampers Parenting Institute as a public service campaign is to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome visible driver. Pampers is the second most popular baby care sites on the web with hundred million unique visitors per month because of the Pampers Parenting Institute. According to Advertising Age, consumers visiting the Pampers website are 30% more likely to buy effective. It provide unified communications which integrates e-mail, data transmission, instant messaging, voice transmission and electronic conferencing services. Web conferencing with Live Meeting, Microsoft Live Communications Server functionality and content management with Sharpening is the other services that included. Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office Sharpening Server support multiple users with meeting schedules, shared calendars and mailboxes and Sharpening lists. Through offering support for customers, Customer Relationship Marketing provides competitive advantage to organization on a continuous basis while focusing on every customer’s wants and needs ensuring that these are satisfied in the best way (Hut and Sped, 2004). This strategy are successfully reduces the amount of cost that have to spend to seek new customers and gained the loyalty from customers (Hut and Sped, 2004). It shows the significance of managing the CRM and ensuring that all employees are well-equipped with knowledge of how to cope with any problems or complaints and how to treat customers that might happen from being involved directly with the customers (Taylor, 2007). Finally, Pampers has been successful in positioning its brand. They are consistent with their message and their consumers are well informed about their products. Pampers is successfully promoting its products while educating individuals about the developmental stages from newborns to toddlers. Of course, there is always room for improvements. Extending the product line to include bath products is one recommendation. Some examples could include Pampers shampoos, soaps, lotions, and oils. Pampers could promote their product by including coupons within or on their packaging. This encourages customer loyalty by rewarding the consumer with extra savings. Maybe Pampers could come up with reward points by issuing membership cards and each time used they earn points that add up to Pamper dollars and then redeemed when purchasing any Pampers products. How to cite Pampers, Papers

The Man Who Loved Flowers - Character Sketch free essay sample

Character sketch This is the story of a man possessed by love. He has dark hair and blue eyes, and is wearing a light grey suit. He lives in a deep repressive reverie because he is unable to live in the real world. A world without his Norma is one he cannot bare. In the beginning of the story he appears to us as a completely normal man. A happy and moody setting is imprinted with violet skies and lovely flowers, and we are led to believe he is in love. The man lives in his own little world, where he represses all bad memories. He can no longer control his own actions. His conscious is not even aware of the fact, that he kills random women, simply because love hurts. Love is not only good and joyful, it can also be hurtful and bring out bad things in people. On the surface everything seems fine. We will write a custom essay sample on The Man Who Loved Flowers Character Sketch or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Love is all the flowers, the ice cream and the soft spring air. But underneath all of that hides the ugly part. Loved destroyed this man’s conscience and ability to see reality. His name was love, and he walked these dark streets because Norma was waiting for him, and one day he will find her. † This sentence explains the essence of the man’s actions. He lives and breathes for love, that’s why love is his name. Love has stolen his identity and everything he used to be. He is walking the dark streets because he is in the search of finding Norma. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get back what he used to have. He is willing to do everything for the feel and thrill of love.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Assessing Students Attitudes Towards free essay sample

The potential added value of Web-based learning (or similar designations, such as â€Å"virtual learning†, â€Å"technology-based learning†, or â€Å"online learning†) compared to teacher- and textbook-based instruction lies in helping learners to acquire the right knowledge and skills in order to function as active, self-reflected, and collaborative learners (Govindasamy, 2002; Hamid, 2002). However, this cannot be realized without a change from learning environments in which the teacher and the textbook structure the learning process, towards learning environments in which the students themselves control, under the guidance of the teacher, the order in which they learn and perform activities based on their needs (Erstad, 2006; Wilson, 1998). Web-based learning resources (WBLRs) have the potential to support a learning environment in which students explore knowledge and enhance their learning (Combes amp; Valli, 2007). II. The purpose of this study is to assess students attitudes towards web-based learning resources. Specifically, the study will assess the (a) differences in attitude change, towards the CCIT class, for students using web-based resources and those using traditional textbooks; (b) differences in attitude change, towards computer technology, for students using web-based resources and those using traditional textbooks and (c) if age, gender, level in college, owning a personal computer, Internet accessibility at home, hours spent on the Internet per day, Internet time used for class work and percentage of project time used on the Internet, were predictors of ttitude . We will write a custom essay sample on Assessing Students Attitudes Towards or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There will be no difference found in change of attitude towards the CCIT students that uses web-based resources and students that used traditional textbooks. 2. The teaching and learning process will be dramatically altered by the convergence of a variety of technological, instructional, and pedagogical developments in recent times. 3. Web-based texts give readers a feeling of engaging in real time, face to face interaction through use of interactive programs. 4. The web-based texts and other technologies represent an unstoppable technological revolution enabling students to access information rapidly and visually. IV Participants will be the students enrolled in CCIT at ISU Cauayan Campus to assess differences in attitude-change, a pretest- posttest, non-equivalent control group design will be used. ANOVA will be used to assess differences in attitude-change and regression analysis will be used to assess the relationship between demographic variables, computer literacy, and student attitudes.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Why Is a PDF Argumentative Essay Important?

Why Is a PDF Argumentative Essay Important?A PDF argumentative essay is one of the most important components in a student's composition. When you are writing an argumentative essay, you must get it right. No matter how much knowledge you have on a subject, if you don't write a well-researched argument, you will be found wanting by an instructor or your professor.A PDF argumentative essay should be short, to the point, and relatively easy to understand. You want to start out with an example, so you can see how others have written and presented a concept or idea in an essay.As an example, you might present a PDF argumentative essay for plagiarism. If you choose to present a plagiarism example in your own essay, you must include your resources in your PDF argumentative essay or you will be found lacking when it comes to plagiarism citation.College professors and instructors often use a technique called 'conventionality.' This means that if you state a fact that another person has said o r done, they will automatically assume that this is the same thing that you have said or done. If you make a claim that is not supported by any facts, you risk giving them false evidence, which might lead to a bad grade.It is important to develop a solid foundation for your thesis. In your PDF argumentative essay, you must show that what you have written about a certain subject is not only accurate, but is supported by facts and evidence that has been published in another journal or in another source.If you are writing an argumentative essay on economic subjects, you need to show how your chosen topic differs from other topics. Sometimes it is difficult to simply provide your argumentative essay with a single fact, because it is easier to provide details about why that particular fact is true or false. In this case, you may consider adding multiple sources to support your claims.Consider starting your PDF argumentative essay with a statement that appears to be inaccurate, or possibl y even libelous. If you can show that it is untrue, you have a better chance of convincing your readers that you have really researched your thesis.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Influence of Consumerism on 7

The contemporary business environment is becoming very competitive, thanks to globalization and technological advancement. The increased competition is now forcing organizations to adopt powerful strategies in order to gain competitive advantage. It is for this reason that consumerism has gained popularity, with business enterprises investing heavily in promotion of their products in order to influence purchasing behaviour of target markets.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Influence of Consumerism on 7-11 Years Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, the consumer market seems to be the biggest driver of economic development in most countries, as it continues to grow as the economy and population grow. Therefore, marketing becomes an integral function in organizations, where different organizations use persuasive and manipulative techniques and strategies to convince or change perceptions of consumer s to purchase their products and services (Schor, 2004). Nowadays, most organizations are focusing on children as a niche market with potentially sustainable growth and profitability. Although this may be a move in the right direction for businesses and society in terms of commercial empowerment, there is a dark side, especially in relation to social and health wellbeing of children (Palmer, 2010). This paper will critically discuss the effect of consumerism on children aged 7-11 years. In the past generations, parents dictated children’s consumer behaviour by purchasing things (toys, sweets, clothes among other children stuff) that they felt their children needed or deserved to have. This was mainly based on necessity and affection, but there was no significant influence from outside to do so. However, social changes in recent years have allowed children to have a commanding influence on their consumption patterns, thanks to ever-increasing advertisements and pressure from p eers (Evans Chandler, 2006). Today, many organizations are advertising their products directly to children with the knowledge that children have become more empowered and their psychological faculties can easily be manipulated or persuaded to like the products offered (Hulbert, 2004). Indeed, every organization will target a market that would be positively responsive to its products.  According to Schor (2004), children are nowadays being used as the conduit for marketing products to parents, especially due to their passionate consumption behaviour, brand loyalty, and tendency to learn fast. Generally, marketers focus on children based on three key roles they play as consumers including, controlling a big niche market, influencing family purchasing behaviour and brand loyalty. However, several other factors have contributed to increased consumerism and marketing being directed to children. Children at the age of 7 to 11 have their own purchasing power due to pocket money given to them by their parents; however, they do not have mental capacity to make informed decision about wants and needs (Hill, 2011).Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, peer pressure tends to be setting in during this age, thus influencing children to purchase things that will make them compete with their peers. Moreover, families are trying to alleviate their children from threats of stigmatization and social identity by purchasing things to their children that will make them socially compatible with other children (Hamilton, 2011). Indeed, it is worth noting that modern parents have compromised their control on children’s purchasing influence (Herbst, 2005) by yielding easily to children’s pestering and giving out money (or items) to them out of guilt for not spending enough time with them due to professional engagements. Consumerism culture has adverse repercuss ions in children, especially in their social development. Importantly, since children do not have the capacity to make informed decisions, they are vulnerable to manipulation (Roche, 2009). In recent years, advertisement efforts by organizations have gone a notch higher to segment children market into age groups in order to capture more attention. Importantly, children at the age of 7-11 years are beginning to identify their true gender and tend to associate themselves with popular culture; so they will demand products that make them look cool, in reference to advertisements. Here, peer pressure plays a big role as children try to compete against each other in terms of possession and coolness (Là ¼sted, 2010). Indeed, children construct their identity by having a large collection of brands (Archer, Hollingworth, and Halsall, 2007). Moreover, children can easily identify the most endearing brands and labels, and they can skillfully use their little consumer knowledge to acquire thes e things (Pilcher, 2011). Indeed, it becomes very easy for children to participate in impulse purchases due to the amount of pocket money given to them by parents and their ability to influence parents to purchase for them. Indeed, Buckingham (2013) claims that children would influence parents and the society to accept something due to emotional connection that exists between them and the society would also respond quickly if something is harmful to the children. The social platform set by the contemporary marketers is eroding children’s values as they try to define their true self, because of bombarding them with so many products, which make them believe happiness is found from accumulation of possessions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Influence of Consumerism on 7-11 Years Children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, this is becoming immoral, as it is not only interfering with their psycholog ical health, but also their personal growth and development, especially because they are denied important tools (such as social, spiritual and intellectual) to respond appropriately to different situations (Schor, 2004). Consumerism is also interfering with the health of children; no wonder there are increased cases of child obesity and depression (Dittmann, 2004). Nowadays, parents prefer to buy ready or easy-to-cook food from fast food shops or retail shops due to lack of time or boredom to prepare healthy food as they used to do before. Importantly, marketers are taking this advantage to promote fatty, sugary and fast foods to children with the confidence of huge sales, the result of which is increasing cases of obese children due to consumption of these foods usually marketed as fun and cool (Gorman, 2008). Moreover, cases of drug abuse among children have increased due to the advertisements aired during children shows as well as sponsorship of children concerts and events by to bacco or alcohol companies (Schor, 2004). The excess reliance on toys, especially play stations and computer games by children is eroding the social and cognitive development aspect in children. Unlike in the past where children used to play with their neighbor’s children, modern children have their play stations and television as their best friends (Piachaud, 2007). Therefore, children are focusing more on their materialist possessions in expense of family and friendship. Moreover, some video games are training children to be violent instead of morally upright individuals, and this may justify the recent cases of violence and shooting in schools, especially in the US. Unsurprisingly, cases of mental disorder and depression have increased due to exposure to advertisements that have adverse psychological effect on children. Protection of this future generation is of paramount importance, and it should be a concerted effort by all stakeholders. Primarily, there needs to be regu lations on advertisements in order to prevent children from exposure to excess material that may alter their self-perceptions or behaviour. Indeed, regulations have worked in several countries that have limited or eliminated commercials during children’s programming and events, including Greece, Norway, Italy, and Austria among others (Hawkes, 2004, p.19). Another remedy lies with the parents who must nurture their children to be morally upright people. Parents should train their children about money management and consumer behaviour, as well as control the amount they give to children as pocket money.Advertising Looking for essay on advertising? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They should know that children of this age have some knowledge about what money is, they would tend to imitate their parents’ spending habits (Pfund, 2011), and they are vulnerable to peer pressure; therefore, guidance is important. Parents would also be in a better position to control their children’s exposure to harmful advertisements that influence their consumption behaviors (Palmer Young, 2003). Finally, the society plays a big role in protecting its members from harmful effects. Primarily, children need a clean and safe environment to grow and develop, thus any advertisements that tend to be manipulative or directed to children must be thoroughly regulated. As seen above, corporations target children because they wield a lot of power in influencing consumption in families and they tend to be sustainable target market due to their brand loyalty. However, they become victims to social ineffectiveness, lifestyle illnesses, and mental disorders. Therefore, all stake holders should unite and create an atmosphere that inhibits consumerism from destroying these innocent consumers. References Archer, L., Hollingworth, S., Halsall, A. (2007). University’s not for me – I’m a Nike person: urban, working class young people’s negotiations of style, identity and educational engagement. Sociology, 41(2), 219–237. Buckingham, D. (2013). The Material Child. London, England: John Wiley Sons. Dittmann, M. (2004). Protecting children from advertising. American Psychology Association, 35(6). Evans, J., Chandler, J. (2006). To Buy or not to Buy: Family Dynamics and Children’s Consumption. Sociological Research Online, 11(2). Gorman, M. (2008). Childhood obesity statistics and facts. National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutes. Web. Hamilton, K. (2011). Low-Income Families and Coping Through Brands: Inclusion or Stigma? Sociology, 46(1), 75-90. Hawkes, C. (2004). Food to children: The glo bal regulatory environment. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization. Herbst, M. (2005). Advertising to Children. Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag. Hill, J. (2011). Endangered childhoods: how consumerism is impacting child and youth identity. Media Culture Society, 33(3), 347-362. Hulbert, A. (2004). Tweens â€Å"R† us. The New York Times. Web. Là ¼sted, M. (2010). Advertising to Children. Minnesota, USA: ABDO, 2010. Palmer, E. L., Young, B. M. (2003). The faces of televisual media: Teaching, violence, selling to children. New Jersey, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum. Palmer, S. (2010). Toxic Childhood: How The Modern World Is Damaging Our Children And What We Can Do About It. London, England: Orion. Pfund, F. (2011). Advertising to Children. Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag. Piachaud, D. (2007). Freedom to be a Child: Commercial Pressures on Children. London, England: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion. Pilcher, J. (2011). No logo? Children’s consumption of fashio n. Childhood, 18 (1) 128-141. Roche, M. (2009). Children, Consumerism, and the Common Good. London, England: Rowman Littlefield. Schor, J. B. (2004). Born to buy: the commercialized child and the new consumer culture. New York: Scribner. This essay on The Influence of Consumerism on 7-11 Years Children was written and submitted by user Abr1l to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Use Focus Groups in Marketing Research

How to Use Focus Groups in Marketing Research Focus groups are a form of qualitative research that is commonly used in product marketing and marketing research, but it is a popular method within sociology as well. During a focus group, a group of individuals- usually 6-12 people- is brought together in a room to engage in a guided discussion of a topic. Lets say youre beginning a research project on the popularity of Apple products. Perhaps you want to conduct in-depth interviews with Apple consumers, but before doing that, you want to get a feel for what kinds of questions and topics will work in an interview, and also see if consumers might bring up topics that you wouldnt think to include in your list of questions. A focus group would be a great option for you to talk casually with Apple consumers about what they like and dont like about the companys products, and how they use the products in their lives. The participants of a focus group are selected based on their relevance and relationship to the topic under study. They are not typically chosen through rigorous, probability sampling methods, which means that they do not statistically represent any meaningful population. Rather, participants are chosen through word-of-mouth, advertising, or  snowball sampling, depending on the type of person and characteristics the researcher is looking to include. Advantages of Focus Groups There are many advantages of a focus group: As a socially oriented research method, it captures real-life data in a social setting.It is flexible.It has high face validity, meaning that it measures what it is intended to measure.It generates quick results.It costs little to conduct.Group dynamics often bring out aspects of the topic or reveal information about the subject that may not have been anticipated by the researcher or emerged from individual interviews. Disadvantages of Focus Groups On the downside: The researcher has less control over the session than he or she does in individual interviews.Data can sometimes be difficult to analyze.Moderators require certain skills.Differences between groups can be troublesome.Groups can often be difficult to pull together.The discussion must be conducted in a conducive environment. Basic Steps In Conducting a Focus Group Some basic steps should be involved when conducting a focus group, from preparation to data analysis. Preparing For the Focus Group: Identify the main objective of the focus group.Carefully develop your focus group questions. Your focus group should generally last 1 to 1 1/2  hours, which is usually enough time to cover 5 or 6 questions.Call potential participants to invite them to the meeting. Focus groups generally consist of six to 12 participants who have some similar characteristic (e.g., age group, status in a program, etc.). Select participants who are likely to participate in discussions and who don’t all know each other.Send a follow-up invitation with a proposed agenda, questions up for discussion, and time/location details.Three days before the focus group, call each participant to remind them of the meeting. Planning the Session: Schedule a time that is convenient for most people. Plan the focus group to take between 1 and 1 1/2 hours. Lunchtime or dinnertime is usually a good time for people, and if you serve food, they are more likely to attend.Find a good setting, such as a conference room, with good airflow and lighting. Configure the room so that all members can see each other. Provide nametags as well as refreshments. If your focus group is at lunch or dinnertime, be sure to provide food as well.Set some ground rules for the participants that help foster participation and keep the session moving along appropriately. For example- 1. Stay focused on the subject/question, 2. Keep the momentum of the conversation going, and 3. Get closure on each question.Make an agenda for the focus group. Consider the following: Welcome, review of agenda, review of the goal of the meeting, review of ground rules, introductions, questions and answers, and wrap up.Don’t count on your memory for information shared at the focus group. Plan to record the session with either an audio or video recorder. If this isn’t possible, involve a co-facilitator who takes good notes. Facilitating the Session: Introduce yourself and your co-facilitator, if you have one.Explain your need and reason for recording the focus group discussion.Carry out the agenda.Carefully word each question to the group. Before a group discussion, allow everyone a few minutes to carefully record his or her responses or answers. Then, facilitate discussion around the answers to each question, one at a time.After the discussion of each question, reflect back to the group a summary of what you just heard. If you have a note-taker/co-facilitator, he or she may do this.Ensure even participation among the group. If a few people are dominating the conversation, then call on others. Also, consider a round-table approach in which you go in one direction around the table, giving each person a chance to answer the question.Close the session by thanking the participants and telling them that they will receive a copy of the report generated as a result of the discussion. Immediately After the Session: Verify that the audio or video recorder worked throughout the entire session (if one was used).Make any additional notes on your written notes that you need.Write down any observations you made during the session, such as the nature of participation in the group, any surprises of the session, where and when the session was held, etc. Updated  by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Food and Beverages Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Food and Beverages - Assignment Example fered, there are numerous choices to undertake in the processes involved such as planning for the services, securing of orders, delivering the orders, preparing and settling the bills, washing of equipments and planning the next service. Customer process refers to procedure a customer follow when receiving food or beverages. Generally the customer process system involves; serving customer at a laid table, customer self-service from the counter, assisted service where the customer is serviced with some meals and then practice self-service with other parts of the meal, single point service where placing of order, clearing the bill and receiving the service occurs at the same point) and then specialized service where the orders are delivered to the clients wherever they are located (Kotler, Bowen & Makens, 2006. P. 46). Food and beverages have unique characteristics that manipulate the production and service decision. For example, the demand for food and beverages is intermittent because during breakfast, lunch and dinner the demand is at the climax while the rest of the time demand remains low. Demand for food and beverages varies with seasonal of the year and may be affected by other factors such as production and competitive activities (Adcock, Halborg and Ross, 2001.p. 85). The production of food and beverages is labour intensive hence shift in cost of labour will have a serious effect on the service systems. The perishable nature of food and beverages affects the handling processes during and after preparation. Season: Most of the food and beverage are available for a limited period during the year. Therefore, when supplies are on the season they will be available for sale to the customer but will become unavailable during the off season (Reid and Botanic, 2006. P. 31). Equipment, personnel and storage facilities: even if conventional service system would be economic because food could be stored during the production season, there is limited capacity for

Monday, February 3, 2020

How can the child's position in the family and the size of the childs Essay

How can the child's position in the family and the size of the childs family influence his or her development - Essay Example r of significant studies dealing with family size and child’s IQ development, it has been noted that a large number of studies routinely show that family size is related considerably to children’s IQs: the larger the family, the lower the children’s IQ is likely to be (Zajonc 1976). This can be because of the reason that less crowded families gets parents to be more involved with their children giving them more attention than larger families. Size of the family has had a depressing effect on children’s IQ in Scotland and France alone with families of four or more children scoring below the mean for the general population. In a separate study in France and Holland, family size has been found to operate somewhat independently of socioeconomic status when it comes to children’s IQs. This is to say that children from smaller families have the advantage when it comes to cognitive development irrespective of their parents’ economic status, and large families tend to depress children’s IQs irrespective of their parents’ economic status. Moreover, as family sizes get larger, the child’s percentage of passing an admission test automatically drops according to Zajonc analysis index. There are already literary supports on the importance of birth order in the family that affect the child’s personality and other characteristics. Child’s position in the family proves to be significant according to detailed clinical studies, however factors are so numerous and varied in defying statistical generalization. There is still much doubt whether the child’s status constitutes a psychological entity accounting to the share of attention from parents. Children in the family may have the same physical environment they are exposed to but receive different attitudes and expectations for each from others depending on the child’s birth order and sex (Lindgren & Watson 1979). Reading Development. In a study concerning child’s reading influences, ordinal

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Background On Corporate Social Responsibility Management Essay

The Background On Corporate Social Responsibility Management Essay This study will argue against the neoclassical view of Milton Friedman on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). First of all it is essential to familiarise with the concept of CSR, this includes background information on the topic, than discuss the transformation of CSR over the years and the reasons for the changes. Than defining the concept as it is seen now. Additionally to familiarise with the literature used, two sources used in this study were evaluated under origins, values and limitations. Later the study will introduce the main argument of the study on the CSR, which will be separated into two parts. First part will analyse the traditional view of Milton Friedman and other economists and try to find out if the main responsibility of the company is to maximize profits. The second part will talk about the traditional view of the CSR which is opposing the neoclassical view. In conclusion I will try to argue Milton Friedmans case of neoliberal position on CSR. Background on Corporate Social Responsibility The concept of social responsibility was traced back to the ancient times. The first stage of the CSR development happened thousand years BC where authorities introduced different rules and regulations where the workers were severely punished for being careless and injured someone during their work. Or In Ancient Rome senators grumbled about the failure of businesses to contribute sufficient taxes to fund their military campaigns.(History of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability) During the industrial revolution the concept grew to a whole new level and the significance of business in society started to increase exponentially. By the 1920s the new stage began that social responsibility was not seen as an ethic but became a whole new concept, however the magnitude of the concept was undervalued. As Dean of Harvard Business School Wallace B. Donham: Business has not learned how to handle these changes, nor does it recognise the magnitude of its responsibilities for the fut ure of civilisation.(History of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability) The ideology of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a response to pressure from the business side of growing leftist sentiment and the trade union movement in the last third of the XIX century. Incurred if the institutions of civil society demanded from businesses providing social guarantees to the workers and to ensure protection of their labour and the decline of trade unions in the mid XX century for business owners updated the task of preserving and maintaining the loyalty of motivation of subordinates, which again forced them to turn to CSR. It was then that the concept has become firmly established in the theory and practice of corporate governance in the U.S. However the effect of globalization cannot be under estimated as it played a significant role in CSR, which forced companies to look for more creative ways of positioning information in a crowded world. Thus, CSR was the result of deep transformation of relations of private business and society in a post-industrial economy. Definition Searching for the most precise definition in the least amount of text, the definition by Lord Holme and Richard Watts in The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication Making Good Business Sense (Baker 2004) they defined Corporate Social Responsibility as: the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large (Baker 2004) In essence CSR is a concept that reflects the companys voluntary decision to participate in the improvement. An important remark to make before defining CSR is that it is a very broad topic with no clear-cut definition; this creates a lot of uncertainty. In order to reduce some uncertainty it is essential to divide CSR into two different parts and look at it in a more detailed manner. First part that will be looked at is the internal CSR, which is limited by the scope of the company, it deals with social policies of the employees. The second part is the external CSR, which is responsible for the outside framework and therefore deals with a much broader spectrum than the internal, as it takes into the account all the social and environmental factors, in some cases it helps eliminate the failures of the authorities in the social sphere, shifting a significant share of burden to the corporations. Additionally there are different principles of the CSR that will be mentioned later in the study including: Transparency this deals with publicity and the reliability of the company, significance deals with the scale and the effectiveness of the policies and prevention of conflicts among other parties. Evaluation of Sources In order to examine the two sides in more depth sources with different views and opinions were used. For a more critical evaluation two books have different perspectives on the case of CSR which helps the study answer the question from different viewpoints. First book, The Debate over Corporate Social Responsibility, by Steve May, George Cheney, and Juliet Roper answers the question in a theoretical and practical perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility. The books value lies in the fact that this book is based primary on facts and is independent from views, which is perfect for this study. Another important aspect to mention is the relevance of the book to the current situation in business as it was published 5 years ago which is relatively recent. The Second book Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Paradox of Social Cost  by Moses L. Pava and Joshua Krausz. This book is very different from the first one as it focuses more on the performance of the company based on CSR. It contains empirical studies on the correlation between the CSR and performance that will be used further in the study. The limitation of this book is that it was published in the 1995 and the concept of CSR changed since then. Introduction Currently the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is a subject of debate and criticism. Defenders argue that it has a solid business case, and corporations receive many benefits because they work for a broader and more long-term than their own short-term gain momentary. Critics argue that social responsibility moves away from the fundamental economic role of businesses, and distracts the company form its main goal. Thus, there are two main approaches to the study of corporate social responsibility. On one hand we have the notion of M. Friedman, who relies on formal rationality. On the other hand, we have representatives of the second approach, the liber idea of CSR. The researchers are relying on objective research. They recognize that the social responsibility of business is complex and cannot be reduced to the bare economic interest of profit maximization. In analysing both views this study will find out to what extend does Milton Friedmans traditional view of the CSR increase financial profits of the company. Before we elaborate on these two opposite approaches to the study of corporate responsibility, it should be noted that the leaders and managers of todays companies are increasingly aware of the positive impact of socially responsible behaviour to achieve not only strategic but also financial goals of the business. Milton Friedmans view on Responsibility of Corporations Nobel Prize winner, a supporter of the policy of monetarist Milton Friedman in his book Capitalism and Freedom published in 1962 there is one and only one social responsibility of business-to use it resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.. Similarly,  the social responsibility of  labor  leaders  is  to  serve  the  interests  of  the  members  of  theirunions.  It  is  the social responsibility  of  the  rest  of  us  to  establish  a  framework  of  law  such that  an  individual  in  pursuing  his  own  interest  is,  to  quote  Adam  Smith  again,  led  by an  invisible  hand  to  promote  an  end  which  was  no  part  of  his  intention (Friedman Friedman, 1982, p. 133) The essence of this argument is that the direction of the profits for social goals reduces the volume of profit, which violates the principle of profit maximization, which is fundamental to the business. Note that in the short term deductions from profits related realization of a social responsibility goal in business does reduce profits. Additionally if, for example the price of a companys products would be reduced, this would really cheer the consumers who can buy more for lower price thus increase purchasing power; it will have the same effect on the shareholders if the value of dividends grow. Therefore, installation of additional environmental equipment, of course, is a positive impact on the environment and the society; however who will have to pay for this? Eventually, the consumers as the improvements will increase the cost of production and consequently, the prices of goods and services, reducing the purchasing power of the consumer. Milton Friedman backed his arguments with a number of arguments. For example he used the concept of comparative advantage in order to argument the fact that social programs should not be implemented by the managers as they do not have the comparative advantage and the know-how in that field, instead they should be engaged in maximizing profits for the company. Friedmans argument was based on one of the most influential classical economists David Richardo who argued that the flow of goods should not be interrupted by the government and should flow freely across the country and the boarders and therefore will be most efficient. In the book by Friedman makes a strong argument stating that corporate responsibility was initialised by leftists and socialists and any sign in directing the business in socially responsible direction will be seen as destruction of capitalism because evidently: the  manager  who  reduces  profit  for  social ends such as reducing pollution or  hiring  members  of  disadvantaged  groups  takes  over  the functions of government because  he  is  in  effect  imposing  taxes  and  deciding  how  to  spend the proceeds. The  corporate  executive  thus  becomes  a  civil  servant,  a  public  employee.  The result  is  thus  full blown socialism, the rejection of the market mechanisms in favor  of  political mechanism (Aune, 2007, p. 212) Moreover Friedmans financial statement analyst criteria characterises companies investments in the social field as inferior investments (Aune, 2007, p. 212) due to that Friedman increased his influence in the 1975, after the decline of support in Keynesian economics and increase in Milton Friedmans monetarist movement in the field of inflation and unemployment. This improved his position in the battle against CSR. And increased support from other economists including Henderson who backed Friedman on his arguments against CSR and based on his principles wanted to implement Friedmans idea to the new globalized economy. In addition many organizations were created in order to oppose the traditional idea of CSR. Here are some examples of the organizations mentioned above: Competitive Enterprise Institute or the Free Enterprise Action Fund. These organizations based on Friedmans arguments try to prove that CSR is a smokescreen for socialists and collectivist theme. (Aune, 2007, p. 208) which was a very strong argument after the Cold War bringing up the idea of Soviet Collectivisation policies. As mentioned before, Friedman was not the only advocate of the neoliberal view on CSR. Also people like J. Roberts argue that the corporation is an idea, an imaginary, without substance or sensibility and therefore incapable of anything like responsibility. Instead, corporate responsibility will always depend upon people using their frail and vital sentience and following the path that this assigns. (Christensen, 2007, p. 449) Or Greider states that business should be making money otherwise they will be less efficient if they will engage in CSR and take societys interest into consideration. Not only because of the opportunity cost of investing that money into something more profitable but also because they are no specialized in the area and therefore will waste the resources due to inefficiency. Furthermore presents Hawleys study in 1991 where he conducted a survey from 22 business textbooks to find out what is goal of the corporation his finds came to a common conclusion that The  typical  Introductory  Corporate  Finance  course  begins  with  the  instructorposing  the  following  question  to  the  students:  What  is  the  primary  objectiveof  financial  managers  and  the  corporation?  The  answer,  of  course,  is that corporate managers should seek  to  maximize  the  wealth  of  owners  by maximizing the price of the shares. That any government or corporate interference with the natural workings of the market prevents resources from flowing to their most valued uses. Government  intervention, beyond punishing fraud, introduces unnecessary friction  into  the  natural  and  smooth workings  of  the  market. (Pava Krausz, 1995, p. 17) In summary the first part of the study presents the main arguments of the neoclassical view on the Corporate Social Responsibility and on how the corporations should operate in order to be prosperous. First of all Milton Friedman argued that the only thing that should be of concern to the corporation and its managers are the profits. His arguments were based on the fact that the managers were hired by the shareholders to maximize profits and not to take over governments role and act like civil servants. In essence everyone has their own role in the society and everyone should do their role as best as possible as they are most efficient in doing that role and when someone from society tries to do the role that they are not designed to do than the denial of capital market mechanism occurs and what Friedman refers to this as is leftism and socialism. Further in the essay in order to validate the arguments presented by Friedman, other economists like J. Richards argued his notion on corp orations as being an idea and therefore not able to have responsibilities. Moreover Greiders and Hawleys counter CSR arguments were included in order to show the full scope of arguments against CSR. Limitations of Milton Friedmans Arguments There are many critics of the neoclassical view on CSR and Friedmans arguments. Number one is that Friedmans arguments are very subjective and are based on assumptions without any scientific facts or evidence that back his argumentation. This is a big disadvantage for his side as the lack of information and evidence that would act like a backbone and strengthen his position acts against him. As a result questions like does CSR really reduce the performance of the corporation? arise. Moreover, according to Friedman if corporations with money do not invest into the improvement of society and its employees, than who will? The main disagreement here between the two sides is that Friedman refuses to admit the fact that the economy, society, environment and the government are all interlinked between each other especially in the globalised economy, and you cannot view economy on its own without considering the other 3 factors. Friedman and many other economists tend to use of various economic theoretical models in order to illustrate their theories, however the models that apply to the economy usually do not apply to the real world as they tend to ignore many other factors like the government. In consequence he sees economy isolated from the society. Friedman stated that the corporation is doing well as long as they are conducting their business legally and are operating at profit maximizing level. The author in the book makes a very strong argument against Friedmans position as he states that his account on CSR in 1970 does not take the changing preferences of consumers and shareholders into account. What if the company is operating legally and maximizing profits indirectly with an enemy state during wartime? For example number of biggest U.S. Companies traded with Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Libya, due to the sanctions set by the Government they exported the goods to Dubai that were further re-exported the goods to Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Libya. (Aune, 2007, p. 215) Michael Scherer conducted a research on a number of US companies, he found out that for example: That the Canadian GE works on four new hydroelectric power generators at the Kurun River dam that will benefit the Iranian oil sector. Additionally they provide the Iranian oil sector with the latest equipment including pipelines, compressors and turbines. However the trade is not done directly, as they have an Italian company called Nuovo Pignone that acts like a middle man. Or another example: one of the largest oilfield companies Halliburtons subsidy helped building in one of the largest fertilizer plants near Iraq. They also provide Iranian National Oil Co. with $226 million drilling equipment, the CEO of Halliburton Richard Cheney also stated that U.S. the sanctions against Iran and Libya hurt business and failed to stop terrorism. There are number of other examples of the worlds largest companies including ConocoPhillips or ExxonMobil that at the end of the day trade with the Axis o f Evil (Aune, 2007, p. 215) According to Friedman and his idea of corporate capitalism as it should be all the companies that were listed above in the example are doing nothing wrong, as at the end of the day they first, maximizing profits for the shareholders and second, they are doing nothing illegal. (Aune, 2007, p. 216) Therefore, according to Friedman all that matters is profit maximization, even over consumer interest and the public. Friedmans logic is irrational; as we have seen from the example some profit-maximizing actions might threaten the security of the society which is far more important than the prosperity than any corporation. Summarizing the limitations of Milton Friedmans with globalisation developing the role of corporations changed since the time Friedman was studying economics, now with globalization it is far more integrated into the society and both of them have to work together in order to prosper as a whole, because a business will never be successful if the employers are unhappy and vice versa. Moreover, as specified above Friedmans arguments are based on assumptions and as in James Aune states the opponents of CSR [should] argue for their assumptions as well as their conclusions (Aune, 2007, p. 216) Or his assumption that Market capitalism working by managers of corporations doing their role of satisfying the shareholders by creating profits. However at the same time he discounts the fact that social justice as an essential part of the utility many consumers or shareholders may wish to maximize (Aune, 2007, p. 213), again assuming that all shareholders do not wish to maximize utility but instead want to make profits. Traditional View of Corporate Social Responsibility Expectedly not everyone agrees with the views of M. Friedman on CSR among scientists, and entrepreneurs. In recent years, the social responsibility of business is seen as social advantage of the company. This idea was first suggested a professor at Harvard Business School, author of the theory of competitive advantage by Michael Porter in his article in the Harvard Business Review  «New issue of philanthropy the creation of value in 1999 Porter points out that social programs are now used mainly by companies as a form of  «public relations » or promotional purposes. For example, the tobacco digging Philip Morris (USA) in 1999, has spent $ 75 million to various donations, and then spent another $ 100 million on their advertising campaign. However, there is another way in the implementation of socially responsible business: companies can also strengthen their competitive position by improving the quality of the business environment in the places where their activities are unfolding. As noted by M. Porter, using philanthropy as a competitive advantage of the company allows you to link social and economic goals and improve the long-term prospects of its development. Corporate Social Responsibility and Performance Friedman argues in his essay that companies are better off when they are maximize their profits, however this is not always the case. The image of a socially responsible company an investment in its business reputation. In fact, all other things being equal, people are more willing to go to work in a socially responsible than a socially irresponsible company, will buy its products, services, or actions. Suppliers and business partners will also be more interested in cooperation with the firm, which has a high reputation. Thus, in the long term, when various groups, ensure the correct behaviour of the company, it is likely to increase its income. As written before, economy is interlinked not only with the society but also with the government and the fact that companies that behave in a socially responsible economic manner, not only improves the society, but also has some other benefits, such as, participation in the implementation of government orders. Additionally, due to growing environmental and social problems CSR will always be a big topic, therefore more and more enforced regulations will be implemented like for example production standards or service quality or pollution quota, companies that are more socially responsible will therefore be prepared and would not need radical structural changes like the companies that did not engage in socially responsibility. Finally, company that is socially responsible towards its employees will benefit from the favourable working climate and higher motivation that will further increase efficiency and output of the company. Moreover many texts argue that companies, especially large MNC have the financial resources to be more socially responsible. However in my opinion this argument is flawed as the availability of the financial resources does not necessary indicate the incentive to spend them. Finally an example where CSR and Performance are positively correlated is in an article on Corporate Social Responsibility (Todd, Kristin, Baylor Business Review) Hollender CEO of Seventh Generation who was voted the best Social CEO of the year talks about transparency of the companies as the main stepping-stone towards social responsibility, he says that Greater transparency is just the first step towards taking greater responsibility for the future that all of us are creating and Whats  true  of  transparency  is  likewise  true  of  Seventh  Generations  effort  to  not  onlysucceed  in  the  marketplace  and  contribute  to  society,  but  to  influence  others  to  contributeas  well,  he  writes.  Its  a  challenging,  sometimes  even  bewildering  odyssey  that  tests  thespirit  and  will  of  each  and  every  one  of  us. (Todd, 2009) There are limitations with defining CSR and there is no specific line that can be drawn to separate socially responsible and non-socially responsible companies, and the extent to how socially responsible the companies are. Therefore it is very difficult to see the effect of CSR on the performance on the company. Table 2.1 (Corporate  Social  Responsibility  and  Traditional  Financial  Performance:  Summary  of  21Empirical  Studies  Ã‚  Principal  Findings) (Pava Krausz, 1995, p. 21) below, however, tries to demonstrate the effect of CSR on the financial performance. A study of 21 companies was conducted to see the correlation, if there is any, between CSR and financial performance. TABLE  2.1   Direction  ofAssociation 1993  Results* Ullmann  (  1985)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚   Positive  Association 12 8 Negative  Association 1 1 No  Association 8 4 Totals 21 13 From the following the main observation that is visible is that from the 21 one studies conducted more than half, 12 studies showed a positive association between CSR and financial performance, only 1 showed a negative association and 8 showed no correlation between the two. From this table we can conclude that CSR Firms do not perform worse than non-CSR this already goes again Milton Friedmans theory that firms maximizing profits would do better than firms engaged in CSR. As he argues that any action that benefits the company cannot be socially responsible. However we have a different view from a professor of University of California in his article: CSR Doesnt Pay, he looks at we have previously discussed in the essay, the correlation between CSR and performance of the corporation. He writes that The  good  news  is  that  firms  with  superior  CSR  performance  have  notperformed  any  worse  than  their  less  virtuous  competitors.  But  the  disappointing  news  isthat  neither  have  they  done  any  better.  For  most  firms,  most  of  the  time,  CSR  is  largelyirrelevant  to  their  financial  performance. Vogel  gives  Starbucks  as  an  example.  Starbucks  provides  an  example  of  the  limitedimportance  of  CSR  to  financial  performance,  he  writes.  The  firm  enjoys  a  strong  CSRreputation  due  to  its  generous  labor  policies  and  its  commitment  to  i mprove  the  earningsand  environmental  practices  of  coffee  growers  in  developing  countries.  Yet,  since  thebeginning  of  2008,  its  shares  have  recently  declined  nearly  50  percent. (Todd, 2009) ,To  assume  that  the  business  environment  has  fundamentally  changed  and  that  we  areentering  a  new  world  in  which  CSR  has  become  critical  to  the  success  of  all  or  even  mostfirms  is  misinformed.  The  market  has  many  virtues,  but  reconciling  corporate  goals  andpublic  purposes  is  unfortunately  not  among  them. (Todd, 2009) What Vogel says in this example is that CSR is completely irrelevant with the performance of the company and has no effect on the stock performance. Finally Vogel states that there is no karma in business and that good things will not happen to those who do good Managers  should  try  to  act  more  responsibly.  But  they  should  not  expect  the  market  tonecessarily  reward  them-  or  punish  their  less  responsible  competitors. (Todd, 2009) Summarizing the part performance and CSR, first the study talked about the positive aspects of the CSR and how it could help the corporations improve. Second part presented a study that demonstrated that companies involved in CSR do not do worse than companies that maximize profits. Finally the third part shows Vogels interpretations of CSR in terms of financial performance and that showed us that there is no correspondence with between the two. (Todd, 2009) Conclusion Social changes in society are successful when they consciously and responsibly involved the most significant force. Interaction of political, social and economic subjects, based on the principles of social partnership, ensures stable and gradual development of the state. With the increasing importance of non-financial factors of sustainable development, such as social stability, environmental safety, updated theoretical and practical aspects of social responsibility. Relevance of research associated with the processes of globalization, reinforcing the role of large companies in the economic development. Nation-states are gradually yielding to pressure multinational corporations and economic independence, and social policy. Counter this trend is to be co-ordinated action, ensuring the achievement of indicators of social responsibility, which comply with international standards and principles of sustainable development. Market globalization, the transformation of the national in the world, identifies the need for an economic entity of innovation in engineering, technology, labor and management, based on the use and application of science and best practices. At the center of all these phenomena is the intellectual capital the quality of the labor force and motivation. The lack of comprehensive scientific developments in the field of modern management, social technologies complicates the interaction of domestic enterprises, government and society. In the implementation of socially responsible policy, the role of corporate governance, ensuring the achievement of social, economic and environmental goals of the enterprise. Science-based decision management problems can provide an enabling social and psychological conditions of the enterprise, to influence the development of relations with stakeholders in a timely manner to prevent social tensions, without violating the principles of economic efficiency. Social responsibility is also manifested in the implementation of commitments made at the level of functional units of the organization, especially top management. Develop procedures for social policy, social programs, the performance criteria must comply with the rules and principles of public law. One way of forming objective information about the social impact of the company is to evaluate the effectiveness of non-financial risks, including social. Actual development of common approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of socially responsible policies. Evaluation of the quality management affects the position of the company in the financial markets, maintaining a conflict-existence of society, sustainable development. (CSR)Vogel  says,To  assume  that  the  business  environment  has  fundamentally  changed  and  that  we  areentering  a  new  world  in  which  CSR  has  become  critical  to  the  success  of  all  or  even  mostfirms  is  misinformed.Â